5 Key Ways To Find God’s Purpose For Your Life
It can be incredibly disheartening and frustrating to wake up feeling lost and purposeless – particularly if you look around and see colleagues, friends and acquaintances leading meaningful and passionate lives full of engagement and reward. It can seem like those around us have a sense of purpose which drives them to rise from their bed every morning with a spring in their step. You may feel lost, but deep inside you know that God has something in store for you.
To find God’s purpose for you, you must believe that He does not intend for you to live a life of dullness; a life of pain, or drudgery in which every day seems to simply come and go. Just take a look at the Bible – it is full of passages pertaining to joy. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that every day will be a joyful parade, it does give hope that an overall sense of gladness and serenity will permeate your life if you have the faith – for it is God’s will.
Here are some key ways to bring yourself closer to the Lord, and to find God’s purpose for your life:
1) Find your direction
Without knowing God’s purpose, it’s easy to have a sense of aimlessness. Having a specific goal is important, even if it takes a long while to achieve. After all, the Israelites wandered for 40 years before finding the Promised Land.
2) Communicate through prayer
As James 1:5 puts it, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” This is good news, as it means God wants to give you a purpose, if you only ask Him.
3) Follow the word of God
God’s primary means of speaking to us is through the Bible, and by reading scripture you can search for God’s purpose for you. While you won’t find any direct advice along the lines of “become a painter”, a deeper understanding of the Bible will bring you closer to the heart of God, which is the first step to discovering your purpose.
4) Determine your strengths, gifts and passions
By determining your passions, you can figure out what God has called you to do. It’s often said that God manifests Himself through our talents – and finding out where your passions meet your gifts could help you discover God’s purpose.
5) Trust in God
At this time if your life, you may feel confused. But put your trust in God; He does not feel confused, and will lead you where you need to go.