Privacy Policy

Our promise

Faithworld TV respect the privacy of users of our website and recognise that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible manner with that information. This privacy policy contains important information about how we use your personal information.

By using and/or visiting our website and by submitting your personal information to us you agree to us using your personal information as set out in this privacy policy.

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions from this privacy policy at any time. You are encouraged to review this privacy policy from time
How do we collect information from you?
We obtain information about you when you use our website, for example, when you contact us about services or if you register to receive one of our newsletters or bulletins.

What information do we collect?

At times we may request that you voluntarily supply us with personal information.  Generally this information is requested when you want us to provide you with information.
We may gather the following information about you:
Email address
Telephone number

How do we use it?

We will use this information in the following ways:

  • to provide you with information that you have requested e.g. a newsletter, bulletins;
  • to respond to specific queries you may raise regarding TMH, Faithworld TV and COP;
  • to provide you with better ways of accessing information from this website;
  • to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into by you and us;
  • seek your views or comments on the services we provide;
  • notify you of changes to our services.

Do we pass your information to third parties?

We will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.
We may pass your information to our third party service providers, agents subcontractors and other associated organisations for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our behalf (for example to process direct debits and send you mailings). However, when we use third party service providers, we disclose only the personal information that is necessary to deliver the service and we have a contract in place that requires them to keep your information secure and not to use it for their own direct marketing purposes. Please be reassured that we will not release your information to third parties for them to use for their own direct marketing purposes, unless you have requested us to do so, or we are required to do so by law, for example, by a court order or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime.

How do we use your information for marketing?

We will only provide information to you that you have asked for.

Where do we send your information?

We are a global company and therefore we may transfer your personal information to countries around the world including the US and other countries outside Europe. We will, where necessary, put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure your information is protected.

How long do we keep your information?

We will keep your information for a reasonable period for the purposes set out above.

How do we protect your information?

We take appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up to date and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is used.

Under 16 year olds

This web site is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personal information from or about any person under the age of 16. If you are under 16 years old and wish to ask a question or use this site in any way which requires you to submit your personal information, please get your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf.

How to obtain a copy of your information

You are entitled to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. Please contact us using the details set out below.

How to contact us if your information or choices change

You have a choice about whether or not you wish to receive information from us. If you do not want to receive direct marketing communications from us about our services or initiatives, then you can let us know by contacting us by email: or telephone 01206 262 823.

Use of Cookies

Like many other websites, our website uses cookies. ‘Cookies’ are small pieces of information sent by an organisation to your computer and stored on your hard drive to allow that website to recognise you when you visit. They collect statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns and do not identify you as an individual. For example, we use cookies to store your country preference. This helps us to improve our website and deliver a better more personalised service.
It is possible to switch off cookies by setting your browser preferences. Turning cookies off may result in a loss of functionality when using our website.

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