The Mind

According to Merriam Webster, ‘the mind is the part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels and remembers’.

It is an essentials part of man’s makeup cause man is made of spirit, soul – mind and body. The mind helps the body to make decisions that would either make or break the body and the spirit. The mind can elevate one’s life by the decisions that the person make or break them. The mind can be enriched with the positive things that it gets exposed to or can be incapacitated with negative environment.

The mind of Christ is what we need to aspire to develop. A mind that was prepared to count the cost for our eternity and at the end He still went to the cross for us. A mind that was able to forgive in spite of the punishment that he was undergoing for human beings that did not appreciate the worth of what He was doing: Luke 23:34. The mind that decided to be poor so that we would be rich 2 Corinthians 8:9. A mind that is constantly making intercessions for us so that we do not get to suffer in eternity. Jesus was an innocent man that was died the death of the sinner yet His blood is still speaking better things for us. This was the mind of Christ. The bible goes on to encourage us to have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor 2:16

The bible describes the heart of man which I believe is actually referring to the mind of a man.

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? A version says that it is incurable, another version refers it to being sick.

My question today is ‘What is the state of your mind’

Proverbs 20:5 New Living Translation says that ‘Though good advice lies deep within the heart, a person with understanding will draw it out’.

Is your mind that of Christ that is constantly thinking in the area of love compassion and mercy or do you carry a deceitful mind?

Here are some advices on how one can maintain a good and healthy mind state of mind;

  • Mind what you listen to – Roms 10:17 – Faith comes by hearing – Fear comes by hearing

  • Mind the people that you speak to – Prov 13:20 – Walk with the wise and become wise

  • Mind the things that you read – Proverbs 12:25 Heaviness in the heart of man makes it stoop: but a good word makes it glad.

  • Mind what you meditate on – Josh 1:8 – Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night and obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

  • Mind how you process information – Prov 17:22 a cheerful heart is medicine to the soul; ensure that you see that good out of everything

Your soul or mind and heart can prosper based on these points and you would definitely see the results of having a healthy or clean or positive mind set.

I was recently listening to video based on the power of attraction. In church we call it faith. This would bring to reality what you have every dreamed about. Keep thinking, dreaming, and imagining big thinks and they would over time come to pass.

Remember your mind is a very important instrument and part of your in life.

Praise Asemota© 2014

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